US intelligence experts have discovered an extensive stash of video porn among the material Navy SEALs hauled away from Osama bin Laden's Pakistani hideout.
The stuff was found on computers and storage devices retrieved during the special-ops strike in Abbottabad. It does not come as a complete surprise, since jihadis are really into the stuff.
Remember the 9/11 hijackers, who indulged themselves boozing and buying lap dances in Las Vegas and Florida before embarking on their murderous final mission?
And the Fort Hood shooter, who spent marathon 8-hour sessions in a strip club in Killeen, Texas, before taking 13 lives in the name of Allah?
This is the high moral character of the Islamist fanatic: He's not only bloodthirsty, but a hypocrite too.
And it seems that bin Laden's multiple wives, and the promise of 72 virgins in paradise, were just not enough for the fanatic.
The Abbottabad compound had no Internet access, of course. So how did the videos even get there? Maybe it was part of the supply chain along with bread, water, batteries etc. In any case, it's an interesting indication of al Qaeda's priorities.
Source : New York Post
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